Projects: Stefan Forcey, students and collaborators.
Kron reduction and Kalmanson networks.
Examples and questions: Finding the Kron reduction, aka the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map, aka the Response matrix ...and the reduced Resistance matrix
Papers: Kalmanson metrics and networks
- Kron Reduction
- Resistance Distance
- Response Matrix
- [8] Curtis, Ingerman, and Morrow : Circular planar graphs and resistor networks
- [8b] Curtis, Ingerman, and Morrow : Inverse Problems For Electrical Networks
- [9] Richard W. Kenyon, David B. Wilson:
The space of circular planar electrical networks
[10] J. Alman, C. Lian, B. Tran: Circular planar electrical networks: Posets and positivity
Slides: Response Matrices of
Circular Planar Electrical Networks
- [11] R. Kenyon: Notes: The Laplacian on planar graphs and graphs on surfaces. Example for n=3, page 10.
Also contains more information on the complex of circular networks.
- [12] T. Lam: Electroid varieties and a compactification of the space of electrical networks
- [13] T. Lam: Slides: Combinatorics of electrical networks Nice relation to Catalan numbers.
- [14] P. Galashin, S. N. Karp, T. Lam The totally nonnegative Grassmannian is a ball
- Totally non-negative Spaces
- [15] A. Postnikov: Total Positivity, Grassmannians, and Networks
- [16] S. Karp, L. Williams: The m=1 amplituhedron and cyclic hyperplane arrangements
- [17] P.Galashin: Totally positive spaces : topology and applications
- [18] P. Galashin, S. N. Karp, T. Lam: Regularity theorem for totally nonnegative flag varieties
- [19] P.Galashin, P Pylyavskyy: Ising model and the positive orthogonal Grassmannian
- [20] P. Hersh, R. Kenyon: Shellability of face posets of electrical networks and the CW poset property
- [21]K. Talaska: Positivity in Real Grassmannians: Combinatorial Formulas
- [22] L. Williams, F. Ardila, F. Rincon: Positroids and Noncrossing partitions
- [23] N. Arkani-Hamed, T. Lam, M. Spradlin: Positive Configuration Space
- Information loss
Balanced Minimal Evolution Polytopes for Phylogenetic Networks
Galois connections for phylogenetic networks and their polytopes
Level-1 Phylogenetic Networks and their Balanced Minimum Evolution Polytopes. (with C. Durell)
2019. [
preprint ] [submitted to journal] [arxiv]
Split Network Polytopes and Network Spaces. (with S. Devadoss, C. Durell)
DMTCS Proceedings, FPSAC 31, 2019. [
preprint ] [ extended abstract] [arxiv]
Galois connections and duality between phylogenetic network spaces and polytopes
[Draft] paper with Drew Scalzo
FPSAC 2019, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Split network polytopes and network spaces [
Encyclopedia entry: BME polytope
Encyclopedia entry: STSP polytope
The Neighbor-Net Algorithm, Dan Levy, Lior Pachter, Section 2: The Mathematics.
A space of Phylogenetic Networks, Satyan Devadoss and Samantha Petti.
Hamilton Mathematics Institute: Geometry and combinatorics of associativity, Dublin 2017 Clades and tubes: facets of graph associahedra and phylogenetic polytopes. Slides: [[1]], [[2]], [[3]]
Short intro: notes and project ideas.
Cassandra Durell's thesis
Game theory for environmental protection.
Paper: When does compromise prevent more pollution?
(with C. Clemons, J. Cossey, M. Ferrara, T. Norfolk, G. Obeng, D. Ricciardi, G. Young)
Notices of the A.M.S, 59(9), pp 1223-1234, 2012.
[ journal ]
preprint ]
Use excel to find games for the examples in the above paper.
D. Crawford's thesis: Minimizing Pollution Through Semi-Antagonistic Equilibrium Points.
A. Fernandes's thesis: A Carbon Credits Game, under advisor Jerzy Filar.
New work with Joe Johnson and Francesco Renna: A sequential game with monitoring.
Use excel to find games for the case of optional monitoring, after the fact.
Use wolfram alpha to solve for the four percentages in mixed equilibria.
Application to food safety:
G. Obeng's thesis.
Ideas about polyhexes, benzene, and the composihedron.
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