Email is sforcey (AT) (...this is the best way to get a hold of
Office hours:
MTuW: 3:25-4:30
If you can't make my office hours, let me know and we can try to
set up
a time to meet. Here is my schedule
for the semester.
Textbook: Required: Introductory
Combinatorics (5th edition) by Richard Brualdi, Prentice Hall.
Course Syllabus.
The syllabus will include information about grading
policies. You
should definitely read it.
Here's an approximate schedule of
what we'll be doing this semester. Emphasis on the "approximate".
Course Outline:
• Aug. 29: Day one.
• Sep. 4: No class on Labor day.
• Chapter 2: Counting
• Chapter 5: Pascal’s Triangle
• Sep. 10: Last day to drop.
• Chapter 6 : Inclusion Exclusion
• Oct. 15: Last day to w/draw.
• TEST 1. October 19, Review .
Also study quizzes and hw! Here's the Map of Parma (see page 2).
• Chapter 7: Recurrence and Generating Functions
• Chapter 11: Graphs
• TEST 2. Tues Nov. 21
• Nov. 23,24: Thanksgiving.
• Dec. 7: Last day.
• Final Exam TBA
Homework and Quizzes
Homework will be posted here on this webpage, along with either the due date for the
homework to be turned in or more usually the date for the quiz (if the hw is not turned in.)
No makeup quizzes will be given, but 15 quiz/homework points will be dropped.
Additional notes:
1) The complement of the empty set is the whole set U ( universe). Complement of {} = U.
2) Subtracting works even when there is no overlap: it is just the whole first set, since there is nothing to subtract. A - B = A, when A intersect B = {}.
3) A - {} = A.
4) A union {} = A.
5) A intersect {} = {}
6) {} - A = {}
(MSword version) Note that your project must follow this
exact outline, using the values that I assign you. There is room for additional information in the open problem section.
There will be two in-class tests and a final.