Math 415/515: Combinatorics and Graph Theory
Dr. Stefan Forcey
- Office: CAS 275
- Office Phone: 330 972 6779
- Email is sforcey (AT) (...this is the best way to get a hold of
Textbook: Required: Introductory
Combinatorics (5th edition) by Richard Brualdi, Prentice Hall.
Week 12 part 1 (2 videos) Top menu | Previous | Next.
Here is the lecture. Download pdf here:
Notes posted
Take home quiz 8 due
Download here:
Quiz 8
Key here: Key to quiz 8.
Week 12 part 2 (2 videos) Top menu | Previous | Next.
Here is the lecture. Download pdf here:
Notes posted
Week 13 part 1 ( 2 videos) Top menu | Previous | Next.
TEST 2. Nov. 21
Here is some additional review
for the second exam.
Here are the answers with some work shown.
Also study quizzes and hw!.
Week 13 part 2 ( 3 videos) Top menu | Previous | Next.
Here is some additional review
for the second exam.
Here are the answers with some work shown.
Also study quizzes and hw!.
Week 14 part 1 ( 0 videos) Top menu | Previous | Next.
Project work day.
Week 14 part 2 ( 0 videos) Top menu | Previous | Next.
Project work day.
Week 15 part 1 ( 0 videos) Top menu | Previous.
Here is the lecture. Download pdf here:
Notes posted.
There will be two in-class tests and a final.
- Test 1:
- Test 2:
- Final Exam:
H. Wilf: generatingfunctionology
A great resource is wolfram|alpha.
Here is the ordinary generating function for the triangular numbers, n choose 2.
Here is the exponential generating function for the triangular numbers, n choose 2.
Of course the OEIS.
Here is the open question of counting numbers of posets.
The text of this page was adapted, with permission, from an original course site by J.P. Cossey.