Email is
(...this is the best way to get a hold of
Office hours:
MTuW 3:45 - 4:45 and lots more by appointment!
If you can't make my office hours, let me know and we can try to
set up
a time to meet. Here is my schedule
for the semester.
Textbook: Discrete Mathematics with Applications by Epp, Fifth edition, linked from Brightspace.
Nice additional reading (not on the test!)
Quantum Computing for Everyone
Course Syllabus.
The syllabus will include information about grading
policies, exam schedules and policies, etc. You
should definitely read it.
Here's an approximate schedule of
what we'll be doing this semester. Emphasis on the "approximate".
Homework 2: Not to be turned in. Take home quiz 2 due Sep. 10.
• Section 2.2, p. 49 : 7, 9, 16, 20 (a,d,f), 32, 40, 44
• Section 2.3, p. 61 : 6, 8, 22, 27, 38
Homework 3: Not to be turned in. Take home quiz 3 due Sep 17.
Homework 9: Not to be turned in.
• Section 6.1, p. 349 : 1:a,c,e, 3:a,b, 5, 8:a, 11, 15:a, 16:a, 19, 21, 22, 27:a,d, 28, 31
• Section 6.2, p. 364 : 5, 7, 8, 9, 13
Homework 10: Not to be turned in.
• Section 7.1, p. 393 : 2, 9, 10, 14, 17, 24
• Section 7.2, p. 413 : 7, 8, 9, 12, 22, 31
• Section 7.3, p. 426 : 2, 7, 17
• Section 8.1, p. 448 : 1, 4, 6, 9, 11
• Section 8.2, p. 458 : 2, 10, 13, 21, 39, 40
• Section 8.3, p. 475 : 2, 6, 9, 12, 23
Easy to get started: just write a program in text (samples follow) and save as .htm. Then open with a browser. JS is still the most popular language among developers.
Below are some easy sample programs to get started! To run the code, click the link. To see the code, add this term to the beginning of each URL: view-source: ...or after clicking on a linked program then click on tools and developer tools, and then look at elements (in Chrome) or script (in Explorer).
This one just prints Hello World to the screen and the console. To see the latter, open tools and developer tools, and then look at console.
This one calculates the value of sin(x)/x for any input.
For really learning JavaScript I recommend the free book Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke.
Here is a great tutorial by Matt Mongeau for writing javascript games.
Here's the Pvs.P Awesome Pong variation wawesome and I
wrote using Mr. Mongeau's code: top player uses a-w-s-d, bottom uses arrows; first to 10 points wins.
For sequences: the Online Encylcopedia of Integer Sequences
Here is the open question of counting numbers of posets.
Here is the open question of counting numbers of polyhedra.