Email is (...this is the best way to get a hold of
Office hours:
MoTuWe: 2:45pm-3:45pm,
If you can't make my office hours, let me know and we can try to
set up
a time to meet. Here is my schedule
for the semester.
Textbook: "Introduction to Linear Algebra with Applications."
DeFranza and Gagliardi. Google play ebook
or find on Amazon to rent (ISBN 9781478628309).
Course Syllabus.
The syllabus will include information about grading
policies, exam schedules and policies, etc. You
should definitely read it.
Here's an approximate schedule of
what we'll be doing this semester. Emphasis on the "approximate".
• Jan. 15: No class on MLK day.
• Jan. 17: Day one.
• Chapter 1: Systems of Equations and Matrices
• Chapter 2: Linear Independence
• Jan. 29: Last day to drop.
• Feb. 20: No class, Pres. day.
• TEST 1. Wednesday Feb. 21
Review Questions
and Review Answers
• Chapter 3 : Vector Spaces
• Mar. 3: Last day to w/draw.
• Chapter 4: Linear Transformations
• Chapter 5: Eigenvalues
• TEST 2. Friday April 19. Review Questions
and Review Answers
• Mar. 25-31: Spring break.
• Chapter 6: Inner products
• May 3: Last day.
• Final Exam Monday May 6, 2:30-4:30pm CAS 409 Review Questions
and Review Answers
There will be homework assigned weekly, and the
assignments will be posted here. They will often not be collected, but
the quizzes will be based on them.
HW 1: not collected, Take-home quiz on Jan. 19, not collected. Take-home quiz
on Fri, Jan. 26th. due Wed 1/31.
Section 1.1: 2, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 17, 19, 29, and 43 (a challenge
Tutoring Bierce library math lab (lower floor, look for chalkboards!)
Many more hours available: tutoring in the math lab(s).
For integration, you can't beat wolfram alpha ,
which now offers great step-by-step solutions to
ODE's! (with free account sign-up.) There is a lot of
information with each solution,
including graphs of the entire family of specific solutions.