Special Session of the AMS 2012 Central Fall Sectional Meeting,
8:30-8:50 9:00-9:20 9:30-9:50 10:00-10:20 10:30-10:50 11:05-12:00 12:00-1:25 1:25-2:15 2:30-2:50 3:00-3:20 3:30-3:50 4:00-4:20 4:30-4:50 5:05-5:55 6:15-7:30 ~7:00- |
María Ronco [preprint] [slides] María Ronco Jeffrey Doker [slides] extended break Jacob Siehler Invited address Lunch Invited address Marcelo Aguiar Marcelo Aguiar Shirley Law [slides] Saul Blanco Lisa Berry [slides] Invited address Reception Dinner |
Hopf structures on shuffle algebras and shuffle operads I. Hopf structures on shuffle algebras and shuffle operads II. Lifted generalized permutahedra and composition polynomials. --- Tiling Hamiltonian Cycles on the 24-Cell. (124 Olin Hall) On your own. (124 Olin Hall) The antipode problem for Hopf monoids I. The antipode problem for Hopf monoids II. The Hopf Algebra of Sashes. Counting Dyck paths by area and rank. Polytopes from painted trees and fan graph tubings. (124 Olin Hall) (Ballroom C, Quaker Square Inn) Saffron Patch... menu |
8:00-8:20 8:30-8:50 9:00-9:20 9:30-9:50 10:00-10:20 10:30-10:50 11:05-11:55 |
Nantel Bergeron Nantel Bergeron Jacob White [slides] Patrick Showers [slides] William Schmitt William Schmitt Invited address |
Quasisymmetric functions for a poset of compositions and the Immaculate basis I. Quasisymmetric functions for a poset of compositions and the Immaculate basis II. Graph operads and associahedra. Polytopes from poset tubings. TBA TBA (124 Olin Hall) |
Law |
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