Math 335: Ordinary Differential Equations; Fall 2019.
Dr. Stefan Forcey
- Office: CAS 275
- Office Phone: 330 972 6779
- Email is
(...this is the best way to get a hold of
- Office hours:
- If you can't make my office hours, let me know and we can try to
set up
a time to meet. Here is my schedule
for the semester.
Textbook: E-book: "A First Course in Differential Equations," 11th edition, by D. Zill. The e-book is linked from WebAssign, after logging in from BrightSpace.
Course Syllabus.
The syllabus will include information about grading
policies, exam schedules and policies, etc. You
should definitely read it.
• Aug. 27: Day one.
• Sep. 2: No class on Labor day.
• Sep. 8: Last day to drop.
• Test 1: Thursday, Sep. 26. Here are the Review Questions
and the Review Answers. Also study quizzes 1-3, and homework!
• Oct. 13: Last day to w/draw.
• Test 2: Thursday, Nov. 14
Here are the Review Questions
and the Review Answers. Also study quizzes 4-8, and homework!
• Nov. 28: Thanksgiving.
• Dec. 5: Last day.
• COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAMINATION Tuesday Dec 10. 7:45-9:45 am
Room: Schrank South 229
Here's an approximate schedule of
what we'll be doing this semester. Emphasis on the "approximate".
There will be homework assigned weekly, and the
assignments will be posted here.
They will not be collected, but
the quizzes will be based on them.
- Homework 1: not collected, Take-home quiz on Thurs, Aug 29 due Thurs Sep 5.
On the back of the quiz: do any three problems from this list!
Worth points on the quiz---make sure to do three for full credit. Pick any three you choose.
- Section 1.1: 1,3,7,11,13,31,33,35
- Homework 2: not collected, Take-home quiz on Thurs, Sep 5. due Thurs Sep 12.
On the back of the quiz: do any three problems from this list!
Worth points on the quiz---make sure to do three for full credit. Pick any three you choose.
- 1.2: 7,9,11,13
- 2.2: 1,3,5,7,9,13,23,25,
- Homework 3: not collected, Take-home quiz on Thurs, Sep 12. due Thurs Sep 19.
On the back of the quiz: do any three problems from this list!
Worth points on the quiz---make sure to do three for full credit. Pick any three you choose.
- 2.4: 1-25 odd, 31, 33
- 2.3: 1-19 odd, 25, 27
- Homework 4: not collected.
- 2.5: 15-21 odd
- 1.3: 5,9,10,11
- 3.1: 13,15,21,22,23,42
- Homework 5: not collected. Take-home quiz on Thurs, Oct. 3. due Thurs Oct 10.
On the back of the quiz: do any three problems from this list!
Worth points on the quiz---make sure to do three for full credit. Pick any three you choose.
- 4.1: 1-5,9,10,15-18,23,24,25,31,33
- Homework 5: not collected. Take home quiz Oct 10, due Oct 17.
On the back of the quiz: do any three problems from this list!
- 4.2: 9-17 (18 optional)
- 4.3: 1-11 odd, 15, 21, 29, 33, 37, 39 (these can be saved for next week if you want)
- 4.7: 1-13 odd, 25, 27
- Homework 6: not collected. Take home quiz Oct 17, due Oct 24.
On the back of the quiz: do any three problems from this list!
- 4.3: 1-11 odd, 15, 21, 29, 33, 37, 39 (duplicate from last week)
- 4.4: 1-11 odd, 14, 17, 18, 23, 27, 37
- 4.6: 1, 3, 5, 11, 13, 15, 19, 9(optional)
- Homework 7: not collected. Take home quiz Oct 24, due Oct 31.
On the back of the quiz: do any three problems from this list!
- 4.7: 1-13 odd, 25, 27 (duplicate from previous week)
- 5.1: 1, 3, 5, 21, 23, 25, 29, 31, 33
- Homework 8: not collected. Take home quiz Oct 31, due Nov. 7.
- 3.3: 6,8
- 8.1: 1-13 odd, 23
- 8.2: 3,5,7, 13, 19, 21, 33
- Homework 9: not collected. Quiz 11/21(Take-home, due 12/2).
- 6.1: 23, 25, 27, 29
- 6.2: 19, 21, 22
- Homework 10: not collected.
- 7.1: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 37
- 7.2: 1, 3, 4, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 25, 33, 35, 37
- 7.3: 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 37, 39, 47, 63, 67
Learning Assistant & resources
The text of this page was adapted, with permission, from an original course site by J.P. Cossey.